Category Archives: Shopify Apps

Geo Targeted Product Cross Selling on Shopify With Bought Near Me

2023 will be the year that shopping personalization becomes ubiquitous and necessary for merchants to [...]

Shopify APIs: GraphQL or REST, Which One Should I Use for My App?

As a developer building an app for the Shopify platform, you may be wondering which [...]

How I Use Diffy in Shopify Theme Development and Save Oodles of Time

The theme development tool I needed but couldn't find. See how this app saves me [...]

Shopify Polaris: The Default Shopify App UI Framework

Shopify Polaris is a powerful and comprehensive UI framework that is essential for any developer [...]

Shopify Development: Why I Chose Shopify Over WooCommerce and Magento

As a business owner or entrepreneur, it's important to choose the right platform for creating [...]

Dynasort: The Ultimate Shopify App for Customizing Product Order

If you're a Shopify store owner, you know how important it is to have an [...]