Shopify Apps



Shopify’s collection sorting only left a few options. Now they’re infinite. Dynsort dynamically merchandises product collections based on a merchant’s criteria in near-real time.

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Compare (Diff Check) shopify themes, track theme file changes, search across all themes for keywords and code, as well as download theme backups from any point that it was changed.

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Site speed and accessibility are crucial for SEO and conversion ratio (CX). Pharos tracks all Google Lighthouse metrics across a Shopify store, tracks them over time, and helps brands improve their performance.

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Geo located product recommendations are the ultimate in personalized e-commerce. LocalSpoon offers customers the most purchased products in their area.

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Product Recommendations Magic

No two stores are the same, and their product recommendations shouldn’t be either. PRM allows brands to tailor their recommendation algorithm offer the most effective cross-sell opportunities to their customers. Widget and after add-to-cart upsell popup are included.

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